Wednesday, August 26, 2009

American Thinker Blog: Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?

American Thinker Blog: Is Glenn Beck Allowed to Believe Obama is a Racist?:

Glenn Beck Loses Advertisers Over ‘Racist’ Remark,” is the news headline the left is relishing in. The animation over Beck’s remarks in stating that he believes President Obama has a “deep-seated hatred for white people,” is a little curious on a couple of counts.

First, normally when you hear of someone having made a racist remark the remark contains a form of derision from which one might conclude that the person is a racist. For example, in 1984 when Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as “Hymies,” many concluded that Jackson was a racist. If Jackson had stated that he believed a particular Jewish person was a racist, no one would have concluded that Jackson was a racist or had made “racist remarks.” The subject of his remark would have been examined to see whether Jackson’s opinion was true."

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