Thursday, June 02, 2011

10 things you should know about the Pentagon's new cyberwarfare strategy | ZDNet

Three related events this week caught the attention of security professionals and news organizations everywhere.

The first was when defense contractor Lockheed Martin announced it had been hit by a cyberattack. The second was when a Pentagon spokesman said the U.S. might consider a cyberattack to be an act of war (and might respond with physical force). The third news story was of another attempted penetration of Google’s systems from China, this time phishing for Gmail account information from senior U.S. officials.

These events are a continuance of the ongoing trend of digital attacks. They are noteworthy in context because they’re helping us see how cyberspace is finally being formally integrated into international policy."

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Obama/DNC top fund-raisers told to collect $60 million by end of June - Lynn Sweet

Hummmmmm....worried or prudent..?....hehehehehehehe

WASHINGTON--President Obama's top fund-raisers, meeting in Chicago on Wednesday were asked by Obama campaign manager Jim Messina to raise $60 million for the Obama 2012 re-elect and the Democratic Party by the end of June, I've been told."

Sarah Palin Confirms Tour Will Go National - The Note

Awesome! Keep Mitt Romney as a footnote and save the Nation!

Sarah Palin's northeast tour took to the water this morning as she hit Liberty Island today with her parents and youngest daughter, Piper. They were accompanied by approximately 10 park rangers and police escorts as they made their way to the Statue of Liberty.

It's a scene we'll likely be seeing for some time to come.

Palin confirmed that she's going to Boston after New York and that after the northeast, she'll go back to Alaska before re-launching the tour - called the 'One Nation Tour,' after all - on the West Coast."

Sarah Palin plays the media like a violin: Her turn now -

This is hilarious. About time! Turnabout is fair Play! We were fortunate to see her in person riding with Rolling Thunder in DC this weekend. The response to her presence was HUGE!

Sarah Palin, with her counterintuitive secret publicity bus tour, is demonstrating one of the most important rules of American politics:

There is nothing the U.S. media wants more than something it thinks it can't have. Hence the power of news leaks that manipulate the thrust of their initial presentation. Hard-to-get is a rigid rule of human behavior. Ask any teenage boy or girl."

ADP: U.S. Added Fewer Workers in May - Bloomberg

Huuummmmmmmmmmmmm...thought the Recession was OVER!

Companies in the U.S. added fewer workers than forecast in May, a sign that job growth is struggling to gain momentum, data from a private report based on payrolls showed today.

Employment increased by 38,000 last month, the smallest increase since September, from a revised 177,000 in April, according to figures from ADP Employer Services. The median estimate in the Bloomberg News survey called for a 175,000 advance for May."

Govt to lose $14B of auto bailout funds - Yahoo! News

But wait....didn't I hear that they'd paid EVERYTHING back with interest - that this was a HUGE success? That this didn't cost the taxpayers ANYTHING???

The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

In a report from the president's National Economic Council, officials said that figure is down from the 60 percent the Treasury Department originally estimated the government would lose following its $80 billion bailout of Chrysler and General Motors in 2009."

RealClearPolitics - Video - MSNBC's Martin Bashir: Palin Bus Tour In "Breach Of Federal Law"

Nothing better than watch them whine!!!!

MARTIN BASHIR: 'It's time now to Clear the Air and to ask a question: what is the purpose behind Sarah Palin's current bus tour? It's difficult to ask that question directly because Sarah Palin specializes in checkbook journalism. That is, she only gives interviews to a network that pays her in excess of $1 million a year. So we're forced to make judgements from the outside and it all looks like the precursor to a presidential campaign. The vehicle itself reminds us of all those campaign buses that crisscross the nation at election time. The media are ever-present, catching her every handshake and every book signing. And the journey itself – visiting locations of national importance along the East Coast and proclaiming once again as the most patriotic American that ever lived."

Prepare for More Money Printing: Analyst - CNBC


Investors should prepare themselves for a third round of quantitative easing, Simon Maughn, co-head of European equities at MF Global, told CNBC Wednesday."

77,000 feds paid more than governors - Washington Times

I am sooooooo surprised....oh, wait.....NOT!

More than 77,000 federal government employees throughout the country — including computer operators, more than 5,000 air traffic controllers, 22 librarians and one interior designer — earned more than the governors of the states in which they work."

After skipping Ground Zero event with Obama, Bush made three paid speeches | iWatch News

ARE YOU MORONS? The Ground Zero event was for the family's. Of course, actually-it turned out to be for Obama..but I digress.
I thought he was being respectful to "The Great One".....
If GWB had shown up - you'd be ALL over him for being where he should be taking spotlight her didn't "deserve".
GWB has always, consistently kept a low profile with regard to this and military matters.
Because people PAID to see GWB has NOTHING to do with this.
YOU ARE MORONS! I hate dropping to name calling - but I can't take this anymore! Bush cannot breath without you dispariging him for taking his share of oxygen!
Obama Could probably run people down in the street and you'd say they got what they deserved for getting in his way - JC!

When George W. Bush declined President Barack Obama’s invitation to a ceremony at New York City’s Ground Zero after Osama bin Laden was killed, the former president cited his desire to keep a low public profile.

But Bush has been high profile on the private, paid speaking circuit: he has raked in millions of dollars since he left office by making scores of speeches that typically earn him six figures a pop."

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

Well...this is sure an important expense, ey? I ALWAYS want my Officials safe. NOBODY should ever be in physical danger for their beliefs....however.....tell me they don't think they are royalty?

Limousines, the very symbol of wealth and excess, are usually the domain of corporate executives and the rich. But the number of limos owned by Uncle Sam increased by 73 percent during the first two years of the Obama administration, according to an analysis of records by iWatch News."