Saturday, September 15, 2012

Disgrace in Benghazi......

The president is surrounded by delirious fanbois and fangurls screaming “We love you,” too drunk on his celebrity to understand this is the first photo-op in the aftermath of a national humiliation. No, no, a filmmaker would say; too crass, too blunt. Make them sober, middle-aged midwesterners, shocked at first, but then quiet and respectful.

Employer healthcare premiums outpace inflation, wages......

U.S. health insurance premiums have climbed faster than wages and inflation this year, and look poised to accelerate in 2013, adding to voter concerns about soaring healthcare costs ahead of November elections for the White House and Congress.

Obama's Devastating Defense Cuts Detailed.....

And this Administration thinks it's a Game...."Games" are played on Sunday afternoon between the uprights....not with our National Security....

President Obama’s Administration Was Behind The Idea Of “Massive Defense Cuts.” “The book ‘The Price of Politics,’ by Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward, makes it clear the idea for the draconian spending cuts originated in the White House – and not in Congress. According to the book, excerpts of which were obtained by POLITICO ahead of the Sept. 11 release, President Barack Obama’s top deputies believed the prospect of massive defense cuts would compel Republicans to agree to a deficit-cutting grand bargain.

Obama vs. the First Amendment ......

Excellent read....especially when he states..."We need a President of the United States, a job that has never suited, and has never been of much interest to, Barack Obama."
That sums everything up brilliantly!

Democrats and their sharky Obamedia defense lawyers are in a snit. For three dreamy convention days in Charlotte, they told themselves that, for the first time in decades, it was their guy who had the upper hand when it came to national security. Now that bubble has burst, the way contrived narratives do when they crash into concrete challenges. At that point, an airy president of the world won’t do; we need to have a president of the United States, a job that has never suited, and has never been of much interest to, Barack Obama.

Gun Sales Hinge on Obama Re-Election .....

The Sidney, Neb.-based retailer and other companies in the guns-and-ammo business say if Mr. Obama wins a second term they are preparing for a surge in sales—the same as they saw after he was elected in 2008—from buyers fearful the president would back policies to make buying a gun more difficult. If Republican challenger Mitt Romney wins, though, the chain plans to stock more items such as waterproof boots and camouflage hunting gear.

Obama’s ‘proud’ statements on changing US image may backfire ....

"If we are nice to them....they'll be nice to us"...I've heard this said in one form or another since Obama came into Office from he and his's this working out for us?

In February, Obama said, “One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping to restore a sense of respect for America around the world, a belief that we are not just defined by the size of our military.”

Three years ago in Cairo, Obama stressed his leadership would be dramatically different than former President George W. Bush’s: “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition.”

The Video Didn’t Do It .......

I am so sick of our "Leaders" and those in Government treating us like morons. Every day I listen to the pablum they the guise of "explanations"...and I wonder how many they think believe this tripe? And...what worries me more is...How many DO believe the nonsense coming from the White House.....Have we lost already...?
I think not.

Carney’s comments lie outside the range of plausible spin, even by Obama administration standards, and if his bosses believe them—as we fear they do—are simply delusional. But they are not without consequence. Nor are Gates’s and Dempsey’s phone calls. They all send the message to America’s enemies that if you kill our diplomats and lay siege to the our embassies, the first move the American government will make is to denounce .  .  . Americans.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

‘Whose Democratic Party?’ .....

A new advertisement scheduled to run in Florida makes the case that President Obama has pushed the Democratic Party to embrace anti-Israel policies, according to a copy of the ad obtained by the Free Beacon.

Forget That Supersize Soda — NYC Passes Soda Ban.....

Ya think.....however we LET IT HAPPEN......

Some New Yorkers have also ridiculed the rule as a gross government intrusion.

The Problem With Obama's Polls.....

Do not let these polls fool you. In 1980 similar polls showed Jimmy Carter leading the Old Cowboy almost to the very end. Carter was ahead of Governor Ronald Reagan by 4 points in late September, by 8 points in October, and the Gallup polls had him ahead of Reagan by 6 points in last days of the election. Reagan won by 9 points, sweeping 44 states. In 1988 Governor Dukakis at one point led Vice President George H. W. Bush by 17 points. He lost by almost 8 points.

REPORTS: No Live Ammo for Marines.......

Are they MAD????
The other side can kill, behead, denigrate our country and people in any manner, burn our flag, fly planes into buildings...and we don't give OUR MARINES LIVE AMMO????????

Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit U.S. Marine guards to carry live ammunition,” according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blogs spotted by Nightwatch. “She neutralized any U.S. military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.”

Weekly Jobless Claims Jump; Producer Prices Gassed Up ......

In a separate report, a sharp rise in gasoline costs drove up wholesale prices last month by the most in more than three years. But outside energy and food, price gains were mild.

Tierney launches first TV ad ....

Richard is a good and decent man. He is responsive to people's a way Tierney couldn't begin to do. If you look up the definition of an "Empty Suit"...I wouldn't be surprised to see a photo of John Tierney.

Tisei responded to the ad by urging voters in Massachusetts' 6th Congressional District to "consider the source" of the ad and examine his opponent's record in Congress.
"All John Tierney has to offer the voters is fear itself," Tisei said in a statement. Tierney has been targeted by GOP leaders as being perhaps the most politically vulnerable of the state's all-Democratic House delegation, as the incumbent faces claims that he had knowledge of the illegal nature of a gambling venture being operated by his two brothers-in-law in the Caribbean.

Experts Say They Know the REAL Reason for U.S. Embassy Attacks in Egypt & Libya......

Islamists claim their bloody siege of the U.S. Embassies in Cairo and Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks was catalyzed by an “anti-Islam” movie
Experts say the real reason for the onslaught was not a movie mocking Islam, but part of a concerted “ten year plan” to make slandering Islam unlawful on an international scale
U.S. administration’s hair-trigger reaction was to first apologize for offending Islam, rather than meet fire with fire over the act of war on U.S. soil
A contingent of the Islamists waging the attacks were the very “rebels” America aided in the Arab Spring uprisings in Egypt and Libya

Billboard Migrates To Bumpers: "The Seals Removed One Threat to America, Remove The Other in November".......


A North Texas billboard that garnered national attention for its election message, is expanding from the side of local highway, to highways across the nation. It’s moved off the board to bumper stickers, and even t-shirts, after reports about the ad spread across the internet.

“There was a guy called from Tennessee, one from San Diego, one from Oklahoma,” said Tom Schad, the Gainesville man who originally paid for the ad along I-35.

'Romney Offends the Pundits' .....

Good! keep it going Mitt....because he is STILL not standing up for the Country!

The Weekly Standard: The Obama Presidential campaign jumped on the remarks Wednesday as inappropriate, yet a "senior Administration official" had told the website Politico later on Tuesday night that "The statement by Embassy Cairo was not cleared by Washington and does not reflect the views of the United States government." So the White House can walk away from its own diplomats, but Mr. Romney can't criticize them?

2004 FLASHBACK: Kerry Slams Bush Same Day Seven Servicemen Killed In Iraq......

In the wake of a overseas tragedy, in 2004, Kerry not only had no problem with the idea of publicly hammering a president for what was perceived as a foreign policy blunder, he was the one doing the hammering.

But now that's wrong, you know, because Barack.

So who's playing politics here?

That would be Barack Obama and his utterly shameless media minions.

MSM Reporters Caught on Open Mic Planning Attack on Romney.....

What's the matter Media? Finally met someone who doesn't cower in your presence?

Their goal was to make sure that no question would address the substance of the crisis but instead put Romney on the defensive about made-up mistakes in his criticism of President Obama.

In the event, six out of the seven questions were almost exactly the same, all questioning Romney for his supposed mistake. (Romney handled the questions very well.)

Obama Expands ATF's Right to Seize Guns Without Due Process.....

Almost time to hide your guns!

Obama has expanded civil-forfeiture rules making it permissible for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to seize weapons from citizens without the hassle of due process.

Sebelius Illegally Campaigned on Taxpayer’s Dime......

Yeah.....and what are we going to do about this......

Independent federal legal officials have concluded that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated federal law by conducting political activity “in an official capacity,” according to a statement released on Wednesday.

“Sebelius violated the Hatch Act when she made extemporaneous partisan remarks in a speech delivered in her official capacity on February 25, 2012,” the news release from the U.S. Office of Special Council states.

Liz Cheney: Cairo, Benghazi and Obama Foreign Policy.....

Once again...the Cheney Family nails it!

In response to the attack in Cairo, diplomats there condemned not the attackers but those who "hurt the religious feelings of Muslims." The president appeared in the Rose Garden less than 24 hours later to condemn the Libya assault and failed even to mention the attack in Egypt. The message sent to radicals throughout the region: If you assault an American embassy but don't kill anyone, the U.S. president won't complain.

The American Media Beclowned Themselves Yesterday .....

Mitt Romney was the ONLY American politician.....person in some form of show a PAIR!
I am not a huge Romney fan...but MAN!
Wasn't it nice to see someone say SCREW to the Middle Eastern thugs instead of apologizing again and again for what???????
Don't back down Mitt.....stand your ground. More and more of us daily have your back!

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Yesterday, the media spent much time condemning the Coptic Christians for their movie, but we now know the movie had been out for months and we also know the riots were orchestrated in advance. We also know the attack on the American consulate in Libya used the riots as cover for the attack.

But the media wanted to focus on Mitt Romney.

Constitutional experts call Obama’s abuse of power historic ......

His lack of foreign policy...unless you call an "Apology Tour" foreign policy...(?)...
His historic lack of respect for our laws and Constitution.....every day the list grows.
THIS is what scares many of us.....

“The administration has repeatedly put its partisan agenda above the rule of law,” committee chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) said. “In doing so, it has eroded the constitutional and legal foundation that have kept America prosperous and free for over 200 years.”

Smith enumerated other instances of alleged presidential overreach, including Obama’s decision to stop enforcing parts of U.S. immigration law to allow illegal aliens to stay in the country legally if they meet certain criteria and waivers issued to the No Child Left Behind Act and welfare reform bill that Smith said “effectively rewrite the law instead of enforcing it.”

Coulter: Libya commemorates 9/11....

Scheuer said the media had taken “a few English-speaking Arabs who are pro-democracy and a few Facebook pages out of the Middle East and extrapolated that to a region-wide love of secular democracy,” adding, “It is as insane a situation as I’ve ever encountered in my life.”

The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration ......

I ordered my copy.....have you yet???

If anyone needed evidence that Hillary Clinton is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood, the events of the last few days should be more than sufficient. On the anniversary of 9/11, on what should be a day of shame for the Muslim world, the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement condemning critics of Islamofascism in language appropriate to the office of propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Egypt to take legal action in US against Prophet film makers......

So...this is their apology for killing four of our people? And...we also have a little thing called the Constitution and Freedom of Speech.....

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi asked the Egyptian embassy in Washington to take legal action in the United States against makers of a film attacking the Muslim Prophet Mohammad, the official state news agency said on Wednesday.

Morsi had requested the mission take "all legal measures", the MENA agency said, without giving further details on what that might involve. (Reuters)

Verenice Gutierrez Claims PB&J Could Hold Racist Connotations.....

Thank heavens it's late in the day...I can drink soon................

Are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches racist? A bizarre question, to say the least, but one that at least one school administrator is asking out in Portland, Oregon. Verenice Gutierrez, principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, seems to believe that there are racial connotations associated with the common lunch-time meal.

Obama's Arab Spring becomes the Arab Winter....

The murder of Ambassador Stevens prompts a new question to Obama supporters: "How's that Arab Spring thing workin' out for ya?"

The horrific photo of Chris Stevens, who died in service to his country, is the new icon for Obama's naive Arab Spring mantra.

The Plot Thickens......

It makes me wonder if they have any explicit or implicit mission statement. For example, is it, "My mission as a journalist is to choose a political candidate and then select and slant what I report so as to help him/her get into office." Or possibly, "My mission as a journalist/reporter is to show my like-minded colleagues that I'm one of them." I simply cannot conceive what they perceive their professional responsibilities to be. It apparently never enters their minds.

Clinton Myths ....

President Clinton happily takes credit for reducing America's budget deficit and presiding over a period of strong economic growth. But this happened not because of wise leadership. Clinton had the good fortune to reside in the White House just as the high-tech information revolution kicked in and a Republican Congress stopped him from spending what Democrats wanted to spend.

Progressives say that his increase of the top tax bracket did not prevent economic growth, but it never occurs to them that growth would have been even stronger had government not confiscated that money.

Sadly, most who watched St. Bill at the DNC will never know the truth.

Teachers Strike, Children Suffer ......

"No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders." --Samuel Adams

Freeloaders on Safety Net Programs Double Dip to Get Thousands in Taxpayer Dollars.....

This is what Paul Ryan has been railing against for years!

In July, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report showing that, as many Americans suspect, there are places where government safety net programs are abused and ripe for reform.

GAO focuses on two programs, unemployment insurance (UI) and disability insurance (DI), and the “double dippers” who collect payments from both.

America's Debt to Its Diplomatic, Military, and Intelligence Personnel....

The deaths in Benghazi, Libya, of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and others in the service of the United States provides a tragic reminder of the great sacrifices that U.S. diplomatic, military, and intelligence personnel serving abroad make to defend America and its interests around the globe.

What Romney Should Have Said....

Ben...he pretty much did already.......
Now they are saying he "jumped the gun"...on his response.
However if he hadn't issued a statement....what do you think would have said?.....
"There....see...John Kerry was right...he has no foreign policy experience or vision...."

"My opponent, Mr. Barack Obama, chose to meet this international outrage by apologizing to the mobs in the form of a letter from Mrs. Clinton's State Department condemning the making of the offending e-mail.

Charles Krauthammer Rips Into U.S. Embassy & Staff for Apologizing to Rioters .....GO TO HELL!!!!

“That’s a hostage statement. That’s a mob of Al-Qaeda sympathizers in Egypt forcing the United States into making a statement essentially of apology — on 9/11 of all days — for something of which we are not responsible. I would issue a statement saying to the mob, ‘Go to hell,’” he added.

IRS: Agents Won't Be Enforcers of Obamacare Mandate.....

Just like Massachusetts doesn't........I also believe in Unicorns...

"IRS revenue agents will not be involved. There will not be audits," IRS Deputy Commissioner Steven Miller told a subcommittee of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

U.S. Ambassador Killed in Libya ....

Rome burned while Nero fiddled....

The Americans were targeted in an attack in their car, trying to move to a safer venue away from the violent protests that erupted at the U.S. Consulate. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens died of suffocation, while the three other personnel were killed by gunshot wounds, CBS News reports.

U.S. officials have not confirmed the deaths, according to Reuters.

Obamacare Redefines 'Full Time' Employment as 30 Hours a Week.....

Heck....they don't think we "built" this......However...
We're totally responsible for it...
Must pay for it.....
Must abide by every law for it...
Lose everything we have for it...
But we didn't build it.......
Now this............
They wouldn't know how to run a business if it bit them in the ass.....
We will NEVER hire another employee......

The regulations, written by an IRS attorney, arbitrarily redefine "full time employee" as someone who works 30 hours a week for a business. Traditionally, most private businesses have defined "full time employee" as someone who works 40 hours a week. With this new regulation, the federal government is now removing the right of businesses to define "full time employee" as they deem appropriate for their unique conditions.

Obama Breaks 9/11 Truce, Trashes Romney on 'Pimp with a Limp' Show.....

He has Clinton out on this solemn day saying to "honor" 9/11 by voting for Obama....and then this......
Why does our side think "being nice" will win them any favors?
It holds about as much credence as John Kerry insinuating that if we are "nice" to terrorist...they'll be nice back.....
Yeah....sure...they'll just use a smaller caliber weapon....PLEASE....fight back!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama couldn't even wait a day -- and can't find the time for our most important ally in the Middle East. But The "Pimp with the Limp" Obama has all kinds of time for.

Obama Announces Letterman Appearance on Day He Snubbed Netanyahu......

The president will chat with the "Late Show" host during a trip to New York City next week, according to the National Journal. Letterman's nightly monologues mostly spare the president from satirical ribbing, saving his most cutting remarks for the Romneys ... or even former President George W. Bush.

Romney 'Outraged' Over Obama 'Sympathy' for Embassy Attackers.....

At 3:00 Am this morning....when I couldn't sleep because I was worried about our business surviving in this gawd-awful economy....I saw that our Administration called these murderous thugs..."Misguided individuals".......
Good Lord.......Time to bring back the "Ugly American"......

Mitt Romney came out firing this evening against the Obama administration’s feckless response to the attacks on American embassies in Libya and Egypt. His campaign just released his statement moments ago:

'2016 Obama's America' Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza Reacts To President's Slam.......

Slam away....I'm going to see it this weekend!

DEADLINE: What do you think of the criticism the film has received?
D’SOUZA: The criticism of the film actually bothers me less than the neglect of the film. If I were Michael Moore and I were to make a film that was the No. 2 political documentary of all time, I would be on every network. I would be on Meet The Press, and I would be profiled in The New York Times, and I would be all over MSNBC. Instead large sectors of the press are refusing to cover the film. They are just pretending it doesn’t exist.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

FAA Honors 9-11: ‘WEEEE,’ ‘WLLLL,’ ‘NEVVR,’ ‘FORGT’ ‘SEP11’....

Pretty cool.....

An FAA spokesman told that although the public may not be aware of the waypoints’ names, the pilots will be.

“Pilots are intensely aware of where they are at all times,” the spokesman said. “So while they might not make verbal reference to them, they will be acutely aware that they are passing through these waypoints.”

Politico's Harris & VandeHei Launch Pro-Obama Rampage To Kill Romney Off.....

On Saturday, Politico launched The Inevitability Narrative, citing -- per the Politico norm -- unnamed sources in the Romney campaign who all but said: Bring out your dead; Ohio is lost! Bring out your dead; Ohio is lost! And of course, if Romney can't win Ohio, he can't win the presidency.

Have you ever noticed which unnamed Romney advisors these Politico cretins always quote? Yeah, it's always the Bring out your deaders!

9/11: A Clinton Legacy

In my previous post...I asked how Clinton went unscathed for his security lapse regarding 9/11/2001..... guess he didn't.....

It seems only fair, then, to remind the American public that not only does Obama skip most of his daily intelligence briefings, but also that the Clinton administration bears some of the blame for allowing 9/11 to happen. The 9/11 commission identified several Clinton failures, including four missed chances to kill Osama bin Laden, and a failure to adopt “a more aggressive counterterrorism posture” after Al Qaeda’s initial attacks.

Obama Misses Over Half His Intelligence Briefings....

If true...someone tell the NYT? They blamed today ( well, everyday...) on GWB....and how did Clinton go unscathed ?

The Government Accountability Institute, a new conservative investigative research organization, examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent.

The Chevy Volt: Another Obama Green Investment Loses a Billion ..........

The Chevy Volt costs close to $90,000 to manufacture while it retails for $40,000 according to information gathered by Reuters.

“Nearly two years after the introduction of the path-breaking plug-in hybrid,” writes Reuters, “GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on each Volt it builds, according to estimates provided to Reuters by industry analysts and manufacturing experts.”

George W. Bush's Address to Congress After 9/11 ....

In the normal course of events, Presidents come to this chamber to report on the state of the Union. Tonight, no such report is needed. It has already been delivered by the American people.

We have seen it in the courage of passengers, who rushed terrorists to save others on the ground -- passengers like an exceptional man named Todd Beamer. And would you please help me to welcome his wife, Lisa Beamer, here tonight. We have seen the state of our Union in the endurance of rescuers, working past exhaustion. We've seen the unfurling of flags, the lighting of candles, the giving of blood, the saying of prayers -- in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. We have seen the decency of a loving and giving people who have made the grief of strangers their own. My fellow citizens, for the last nine days, the entire world has seen for itself the state of our Union -- and it is strong.

Chicago thuggery personified: Meet Chicago Teachers’ Union president Karen Lewis.....

This is the woman leading the walkout of 26,000 public school teachers in Chicago. Karen Lewis, head of the Chicago Teachers’ Union, is a loud-mouthed “social justice” radical whose Big Labor racket would rather abandon 350,000 children to the streets than accept merit-based pay, teacher evaluations, and a 16 percent pay raise. The school board had already caved considerably on the union’s demands, but as the Chicago Sun-Times put it: “From the get-go, the union seemed intent on striking.”

Charlie Daniels Recites Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance .......

NEVER FORGET....9/11/2001

Very appropriate for this solemn day, we thought we'd share with you our good friend Charlie Daniels's moving recitation of the late Red Skelton's exposition of the Pledge of Allegiance. You can watch it by clicking the play button below the page break:

An Economic 'Plan'?

Former president Bill Clinton told the Democratic National Convention that Barack Obama has a plan to rescue the economy, and only the fact that the Republicans stood in his way has stopped him from getting the economy out of the doldrums.

NEVER FORGET....9/11/01

On Sept. 11, 2001, nearly 3,000 people were killed on America’s worst day of terrorism as 19 al-Qaida terrorists hijacked four passenger jetliners. Two planes smashed into New York’s World Trade Center, causing the twin towers to fall; one plowed into the Pentagon; and the fourth crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania.