Wednesday, June 01, 2011

After skipping Ground Zero event with Obama, Bush made three paid speeches | iWatch News

ARE YOU MORONS? The Ground Zero event was for the family's. Of course, actually-it turned out to be for Obama..but I digress.
I thought he was being respectful to "The Great One".....
If GWB had shown up - you'd be ALL over him for being where he should be taking spotlight her didn't "deserve".
GWB has always, consistently kept a low profile with regard to this and military matters.
Because people PAID to see GWB has NOTHING to do with this.
YOU ARE MORONS! I hate dropping to name calling - but I can't take this anymore! Bush cannot breath without you dispariging him for taking his share of oxygen!
Obama Could probably run people down in the street and you'd say they got what they deserved for getting in his way - JC!

When George W. Bush declined President Barack Obama’s invitation to a ceremony at New York City’s Ground Zero after Osama bin Laden was killed, the former president cited his desire to keep a low public profile.

But Bush has been high profile on the private, paid speaking circuit: he has raked in millions of dollars since he left office by making scores of speeches that typically earn him six figures a pop."

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