Thursday, September 13, 2012

Constitutional experts call Obama’s abuse of power historic ......

His lack of foreign policy...unless you call an "Apology Tour" foreign policy...(?)...
His historic lack of respect for our laws and Constitution.....every day the list grows.
THIS is what scares many of us.....

“The administration has repeatedly put its partisan agenda above the rule of law,” committee chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) said. “In doing so, it has eroded the constitutional and legal foundation that have kept America prosperous and free for over 200 years.”

Smith enumerated other instances of alleged presidential overreach, including Obama’s decision to stop enforcing parts of U.S. immigration law to allow illegal aliens to stay in the country legally if they meet certain criteria and waivers issued to the No Child Left Behind Act and welfare reform bill that Smith said “effectively rewrite the law instead of enforcing it.”

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