Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Obamacare Redefines 'Full Time' Employment as 30 Hours a Week.....

Heck....they don't think we "built" this......However...
We're totally responsible for it...
Must pay for it.....
Must abide by every law for it...
Lose everything we have for it...
But we didn't build it.......
Now this............
They wouldn't know how to run a business if it bit them in the ass.....
We will NEVER hire another employee......

The regulations, written by an IRS attorney, arbitrarily redefine "full time employee" as someone who works 30 hours a week for a business. Traditionally, most private businesses have defined "full time employee" as someone who works 40 hours a week. With this new regulation, the federal government is now removing the right of businesses to define "full time employee" as they deem appropriate for their unique conditions.

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