Friday, May 15, 2009

Volunteer Forum - Enlist Now! - The Official MA-NH Independence Day Tea Party

Volunteer Forum - Enlist Now! - The Official MA-NH Independence Day Tea Party:

Goal: Our goal is to have a minimum of 10,000 people attend the MA/NH Independence Day Tea Party in Portsmouth, NH and culminate in Boston, MA on July 4th, 2009.

Dick Cheney Gets Results: Liberals on Fire Over CIA Photos, Gitmo, Wars

Dick Cheney Gets Results: Liberals on Fire Over CIA Photos, Gitmo, Wars:

Rush Limbaugh Program - Transcript

RUSH: Let me translate all of this for you. It's very simple. Pelosi is out there flailing around with version 5.0 on torture and what she knew; when she knew it. You can't look at that as an isolated thing. You got Pelosi flailing around on torture; you got Obama doing a 180 on the interrogation photos, and now you've got Obama doing a 180 on detainees. We may keep 'em indefinitely and we may not try them. So Obama has employed the Bush policy."

Gingrich: Pelosi 'Lied,' 'Despicable,' 'Dishonest,' 'Vicious,' 'Trivial' - The Note

Gingrich: Pelosi 'Lied,' 'Despicable,' 'Dishonest,' 'Vicious,' 'Trivial' - The Note:

ABC News’ Rick Klein reports: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich today offered a blistering critique of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s handling of oversight on harsh interrogation tactics, in a major escalation of partisan attacks being aimed at Pelosi."

The American Spectator : Obama the Destroyer

The American Spectator : Obama the Destroyer:

If somebody were deliberately trying to undermine the very fabric of these United States, he would first vow not just to change its policies but to completely 'change America,' and then would do just about everything Barack Obama already has begun to do as president"

Porter J. Goss - Security Before Politics -

Porter J. Goss - Security Before Politics -

Since leaving my post as CIA director almost three years ago, I have remained largely silent on the public stage. I am speaking out now because I feel our government has crossed the red line between properly protecting our national security and trying to gain partisan political advantage. We can't have a secret intelligence service if we keep giving away all the secrets. Americans have to decide now."

The Take: Pelosi's Comments Raise Interrogation Debate to New Level -

The Take: Pelosi's Comments Raise Interrogation Debate to New Level -

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's extraordinary accusation that the Bush administration lied to Congress about the use of harsh interrogation techniques dramatically raised the stakes in the growing debate over the Bush administration's anti-terrorism policies even as it raised some questions about the speaker's credibility."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

As Cheney Seizes the Spotlight, Many Republicans Wince -

As Cheney Seizes the Spotlight, Many Republicans Wince -

As vice president, Richard B. Cheney famously spent much of the past eight years in undisclosed locations and offering private advice to President George W. Bush. But past was not prologue."

What’s So Bad About Universal Health care? - HUMAN EVENTS

What’s So Bad About Universal Health care? - HUMAN EVENTS:

This was the question I confronted when I was interviewed by a delegation of reporters from a Danish television station’s New York bureau on May 7. But something different from the stereotypical “What’s so bad about Universal Healthcare?” question had been posed. The questioners were different from anyone I had been confronted by before. These people were themselves Europeans who actually wanted to know why America was so far behind when it came to universal health care."

Miss California Not the Only One Demonized Recently For P.I. Opinion - HUMAN EVENTS

Miss California Not the Only One Demonized Recently For P.I. Opinion - HUMAN EVENTS:

Carrie Prejean is not the only one who is being demonized these days for expressing politically incorrect opinions; free speech had a bad week all over the world. British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith last week announced the names of sixteen “extremists” whom she has barred from entering Britain -- a smorgasbord of nasty characters including a white supremacist; a Christian fundamentalist hate preacher; two Islamic jihadists; and Samir Kantar, a Lebanese Druze terrorist who brutally murdered four Israelis, including a four-year-old child. On the list also was talk show host Michael Savage, whose only offense seems to have been to espouse views that Jacqui Smith doesn’t like."

"Placebo - Why the Democrats' Proposals Will Not Work" by Michael F. Cannon (Cato Institute: Commentary)

"Placebo - Why the Democrats' Proposals Will Not Work" by Michael F. Cannon (Cato Institute: Commentary):

The key congressional committees have yet to introduce the legislation that will carry Democrats' hopes for 'universal coverage' — i.e., a government guarantee that all Americans will have health insurance, if not access to actual medical care. But the leading Democratic reform proposals — the plan on which Pres. Barack Obama campaigned, the 'Call to Action' white paper by Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus of Montana, and the 'Healthy Americans Act' proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (Oregon) — bear enough similarities that we can predict the shape that legislation will take. Indeed, they all bear a striking resemblance to the reforms that Republican governor Mitt Romney signed into law in Massachusetts in 2006."

American Thinker Blog: 'Right wing extremist' report withdrawn

American Thinker Blog: 'Right wing extremist' report withdrawn:

File this one under 'closing the barn door after the horse escaped.'

The Department of Homeland Security is wiithdrawing the notorious report that branded our returning veterans as possible terrorist recruits and hinted that immigration and abortion activists were likely terrorists.

The Washington Times' Audrey Hudson has the story of DHS incompetence:

'The wheels came off the wagon because the vetting process was not followed,' Ms. Napolitano told the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday.
'The report is no longer out there,' she said. 'An employee sent it out without authorization.'"

Congress and Waterboarding -

Congress and Waterboarding -

Someone important appears not to be telling the truth about her knowledge of the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs). That someone is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The political persecution of Bush administration officials she has been pushing may now ensnare her."

George F. Will - The Obama Administration's Economic Lawlessness

George F. Will - The Obama Administration's Economic Lawlessness:
Tincture of Lawlessness
Obama's Overreaching Economic Policies

By George F. Will
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Anyone, said T.S. Eliot, could carve a goose, were it not for the bones. And anyone could govern as boldly as his whims decreed, were it not for the skeletal structure that keeps civil society civil -- the rule of law. The Obama administration is bold. It also is careless regarding constitutional values and is acquiring a tincture of lawlessness."

Frank and ACORN

At least one lawmaker, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-MN, wants to stop the flow of tax dollars to ACORN, but House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, D-MA, stands in her way.

Frank plans to strip out an anti-ACORN provision Bachman succeeded in inserting in the proposed Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act that could be voted on by the House today or Thursday.

Bahmann’s amendment was unanimously approved by Frank’s committee in a voice vote last week. It would block organizations that have been indicted for voter registration or vote fraud from receiving housing counseling grants and legal assistance grants.

“I did not read it carefully, and it was in the last minute that the amendment was accepted,” Frank said. “It is a deeply flawed amendment and I am opposed to it. Banning people from possible participation in government programs based on an indictment is a violation of the basic principles of due process.

Opinion Articles -Washington Examiner:

The gathering storm on Social Security and Medicare | Washington Examiner

The gathering storm on Social Security and Medicare | Washington Examiner: "Earlier this week, the trustees for Social Security and Medicare issued their latest annual report warning of the impending financial catastrophe when the federal government must pay out more in benefits it has promised under the two entitlements than it collects in taxes to pay for the programs. Medicare ran out of cash to pay for hospital benefits last year and now these costs are covered by the U.S. Treasury. By 2017, according to the trustees, Medicare will have exhausted all of its trust funds. Social Security will run dry in 2016. The approach of these doomsdays has accelerated in the past year because of the slow economy and the refusal of Washington politicians in both parties to face reality."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chrysler and the Rule of Law -

Chrysler and the Rule of Law -
The rule of law, not of men -- an ideal tracing back to the ancient Greeks and well-known to our Founding Fathers -- is the animating principle of the American experiment. While the rest of the world in 1787 was governed by the whims of kings and dukes, the U.S. Constitution was established to circumscribe arbitrary government power. It would do so by establishing clear rules, equally applied to the powerful and the weak."

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Universal Health and Old people

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Universal Health and Old people: May 13, 2009 - 12:07 ET

Voice: The Glenn Beck program presents more truth behind America's march to socialism."

Detainees Not Dangerous?

The Weekly Standard: "Zelikow Claims Many Detainees 'Do Not Show Large Signs of Future Dangerousness'

During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today, the conversation turned to the closing of Gitmo. Philip Zelikow, the director of the 9/11 Commission and former Bush administration lawyer, said there is a “broad spectrum” of detainees held at Gitmo, “many of whom do not show large signs of future dangerousness.”

How, exactly, does Zelikow know this? Has he conducted an analysis of the detainee population? Is he relying on some other review performed by the government (remember: The Obama administration hasn’t even completed its inter-agency review of the detainees yet)?

Or, is Zelikow just making this up because it is what he wants to believe?"

Scandals Haven't Damaged the Dems' Image?

The Weekly Standard: "Scandals Haven't Damaged the Dems' Image?

Moe Lane has put together an interesting chart comparing Rasmussen's poll last October to its poll this month asking which party voters trust more on a variety of issues. On every issue--from taxes and the economy to national security and abortion--there's been a shift in the Republicans' favor--except on the issue of government ethics."

The Foundry

The Foundry:

It’s one of the 37 easy-to-follow information graphics in Heritage’s updated and expanded 2009 Federal Revenue and Spending Book of Charts.

How much and how fast would our national debt go up under the Obama plan? Is it true that, amid the flood of government spending, the defense budget would fall to what it was before the 9/11 attacks?

In the Book of Charts, taxpayers will find clear answers to those questions about the new administration, along with other tax and budget trends important to them. For one: Tax rates will have to be doubled if Congress doesn’t reform Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Continue reading…"

The American Spectator : The Fiscal Tsunami Grows

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : The Fiscal Tsunami Grows:

The red ink is truly frightening. Uncle Sam's fiscal situation continues to deteriorate. The deficit this year will run at least $1.8 trillion. The latest increase in the expected deficit dwarfs the president's pitiful half percent budget 'cut.' Reports Associated Press:

The government will have to borrow nearly 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year, exploding the record federal deficit past $1.8 trillion under new White House estimates."

The American Spectator : Obamaflation Update

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Obamaflation Update:

Back in February, I wrote about how the unprecented level of debt being created to finance government spending would inevitably lead to inflation once demand for U.S. Treasury bonds subsided and the Fed was forced to print money to buy up the debt. With the market choking in debt, we're already starting to see an erosion in demand. In other words, the early stages of that process are underway, and sooner than I would have expected."

Two more complaints against Palin dismissed

Two more complaints against Palin dismissed - Josh_Painter’s blog - RedState:

Gov. Sarah Palin has been on a “good news” roll lately, and on Tuesday, the trend continued. First, there was breaking news that she had negotiated and signed a book deal. Just hours later, the office of Alaska’s chief executive announced that yet two more ethics complaints filed against the governor have been dismissed. Gov. Palin’s office was quick to point out that the latest two actions are just part of the mounting evidence that accusations of wrongdoing by the governor lack merit and have been motivated by politics or personal animosity."

Don't Fall for Cap and Tax - HUMAN EVENTS

Don't Fall for Cap and Tax - HUMAN EVENTS:

Barack Obama promised that he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. He neglected to mention that this tax exemption would go only to those who don't use electricity, gasoline, heating oil or natural gas.

The truth of the matter is that Obama will raise taxes on practically all middle-class Americans. But that's not all; in addition to new taxes on all those necessities (just think of all the appliances in your home that use electricity), he will drastically reduce our standard of living." >> Politics >> - Obama’s dangerous budget leaves GOP at loss for words
Obama’s dangerous budget leaves GOP at loss for words:

"Republican strategists have a problem. The scale of what President Barack Obama proposes to do to the American economy is so enormous, so far-reaching and so potentially disastrous that the opposition party is having a hard time describing it.

“How do you translate the numbers into something that people can grasp to represent the broader problem?” a Republican pollster asked in a recent conversation. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and other GOP leaders would love to hear an answer, but the pollster didn’t have one."

Obama's Magical Mystery Tour of Health Care Savings - Megan McArdle

Obama's Magical Mystery Tour of Health Care Savings - Megan McArdle:

This weekend, I was on a panel where the other economics journalist and I spent a great deal of time belaboring the obvious: Obama's health care plans are very, very expensive, and they mean higher taxes for everyone, not just that elusive klatch of greedy fools who are not in the 95% of working families now allegedly slated for stable or lower taxes. Otherwise, how could Obama hope to pay for it?

I think we found out today: magic!"

ESSAY; Campaign Myth: Prevention as Cure-All - New York Times

ESSAY; Campaign Myth: Prevention as Cure-All - New York Times:

In a presidential campaign that promises straight talk and no gimmicks, why do both candidates champion one of medical care's most pervasive myths?

The myth is that like magic, preventive medicine will simultaneously reduce costs and improve health.

Senator John McCain argues that ''the best care is preventative care,'' and his health care reform plan claims that ''by emphasizing prevention'' and other measures ''we can reduce health care costs.'' Senator Barack Obama's plan says, ''Simply put, in the absence of a radical shift towards prevention and public health, we will not be successful in containing medical costs or improving the health of the American people.''

It may sound like common sense. But it is still a myth."

"Health Care Reform? Maybe Next Year" by Michael F. Cannon (Cato Institute: Commentary)

"Health Care Reform? Maybe Next Year" by Michael F. Cannon (Cato Institute: Commentary):

Did comprehensive health care reform just get a big boost? The health care industry says it's willing to trim $2 trillion off the nation's health care bill over the next 10 years.

Could 2009 be the year we finally reform health care? Don't count on it.

It's not that we don't need health care reform. Right now, Congress basically conditions health coverage on your ability to get and keep a job. That's not health insurance. That's survival of the fittest.

But there have always been two things standing in the way of Democrats' plans for universal health insurance coverage: math and politics."

Smokers, drinkers to carry tax burden? - Carrie Budoff Brown -

Smokers, drinkers to carry tax burden? - Carrie Budoff Brown -

If you make big bucks — or enjoy alcohol, cigarettes and Coke — the government might hit you up to pay for fixing the nation’s health care system.

On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee peeked into vending machines and liquor stores, company payrolls and health savings accounts, looking for a mix of tax increases and spending cuts as a way to pay for a health overhaul — which could cost more than $1.5 trillion over 10 years."

The Associated Press: House No. 2: Explore Pelosi interrogation briefing

The Associated Press: House No. 2: Explore Pelosi interrogation briefing:

By LARRY MARGASAK – 13 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House majority leader reluctantly agreed Tuesday that congressional hearings should investigate Speaker Nancy Pelosi's assertion that she wasn't informed, more than six years ago, that harsh interrogation methods were used on an al-Qaida leader.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., called Republican challenges to Pelosi's assertion a diversion from the real question of whether the Bush administration tortured terrorist suspects. Nonetheless, he acknowledged the controversy should be resolved."

GOP govs plan Tea Party sequel - Andy Barr -

GOP govs plan Tea Party sequel - Andy Barr -

Hoping to recapture the grassroots energy of last month’s “tea parties,” Republican Govs. Mark Sanford of South Carolina and Rick Perry of Texas will host a tele-town hall Thursday that’s being dubbed “Tea Party 2.0.”

The Republican Governors Association said it is expecting 30,000 people to participate in the town hall, which will take place roughly one month after the much-publicized anti-tax tea party rallies held in hundreds of locations across the country on April 15, the tax filing deadline."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's A Good Time To Work For Uncle Sam | Econwatch - CBS News

It's A Good Time To Work For Uncle Sam | Econwatch - CBS News:
President Obama's call last year for 'shared sacrifice' doesn't extend to federal employees, at least based on the details of his administration's 2010 budget released this week.

At a time when the official unemployment rate is nearing double digits, and 6.35 million people are receiving unemployment benefits, the U.S. government is on a hiring binge."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

American Daughter Media Center - Editorials � Blog Archive � Making Free Speech a Hate Crime

American Daughter Media Center - Editorials � Blog Archive � Making Free Speech a Hate Crime: "The hate crime bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives April 29 is an attempt by democratic socialists and progressives to silence dissent against alternative lifestyles. Their incessant iconoclastic attacks on once established values and morality have nearly eroded this nation’s spiritual and cultural legacy. Instituting same-sex marriage and prosecuting hate speech will complete the process and shatter the remaining hopes for cultural regeneration and tear down the last vestiges of the country’s Judeo-Christian ethic."

American Thinker: Hate Crime Legislation - Back Door to Censorship

American Thinker: Hate Crime Legislation - Back Door to Censorship:

An extension of the Hate Crimes law recently passed the House of Representatives which will essentially codify into national law the 'speech codes' that are smothering academic freedom on college campuses today. This law is the back door method Obama and his fellow socialists will use to stifle free speech in this country, as explained in an informative article by Jerry Kane at American Daughter."