Thursday, April 23, 2009

The American Spectator : Will Obama Seize the Radio Stations Next?

The American Spectator : Will Obama Seize the Radio Stations Next?:

By Peter Ferrara on 4.22.09 @ 6:09AM

When President Obama announced his new budget a few weeks ago involving record spending, tax increases, deficits and debt, he did so with soaring rhetoric about spending cuts (non-existent), tax cuts for 95% of workers (misleading), and cutting the deficit in half in 5 years (good luck). This misdirection rhetoric is now a common Obama pattern."

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what worries me most about this administration. They are like hyperactive teenagers rushing to get things done because like, hey man - ya have ta! It's like watching one of those overloaded buses in India traverse a washed out mountain road...just one slight flick of the steering...and the wheels literally DO come off the bus - taking everyone with it.
