Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Matter of Extremes? (Editorial)

This week, news organizations, bloggers and columnists have reacted strongly to the recent release of information from the Department of Homeland Security regarding "right-wing extremists."

Sent to police departments, the bulk of the actual 9-page report describes right-wing militia, white supremacists, disgruntled military veterans and others who may be motivated to act with violence in reaction to political and economic factors. The actions of Timothy McVeigh (for example) are representative of DHS concerns.

The angst expressed by some news media outlets seems to stem from two main ideas:

1. Right-wing focus.
The report focuses on right-wing extremists, not left-wing. However, a similar report was issued by DHS in January (available here) that focuses on left-wing extremists.

2. Definitions.
"Right wing extremism" is defined in a footnote of the report. These groups are defined as:

- adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups)

- those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government

- groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration

Taken out of context, this definition might suggest that the Texas governor and the Catholic Church pose domestic threats. (Texas for their 10th Amendment affirmations, and the Catholic church for its anti-abortion stance.) Was that the intent of this document? I seriously doubt it.

An important question to ask might be: what is to be gained by promoting the report's footnote (and DHS) as anti-American-citizen? or anti-Constitution? who benefits?

We, as a nation, have enough problems without creating new ones.

Today, thousands of mainstream Americans will be participating in Tea Parties across the country. It has been suggested that the release of this report was a "warning shot across the bow" in response to these gatherings.

The actual report does not, in any way, suggest that all conservatives are extremists.

Let's pray that the Tea Parties proceed peacefully, that the President and Congress listen and take today's opinions into account - and, above all, pray that we - as a people - take good care of the blessings of liberty.

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