Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ending "Too Big To Fail"? - The Market Ticker

Ending "Too Big To Fail"? - The Market Ticker:

WASHINGTON -- A deal between the Treasury Department and a key House Democrat would give the government sweeping new powers to police the country's largest financial companies, including the ability to seize and break up failing companies and order large firms to shrink.

Uh huh.

The proposal would require financial firms with more than $10 billion of assets to pay for the unwinding of a collapsed competitor. The measure would also give the Federal Reserve the power to direct any large financial holding company to sell or transfer assets or stop certain activities if the central bank determined there could be a 'threat to the safety and soundness of such company or to the financial stability of the United States.' This suggests the Fed would win new authority to order companies to shrink."

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