Tuesday, February 16, 2010

American Thinker: Liberals Say U.S. Is Ungovernable. Again.

American Thinker: Liberals Say U.S. Is Ungovernable. Again.:

Liberals are at it again. They are worrying that the U.S. is 'ungovernable.' Political scientist Jay Cost has the details:

Ezra Klein argued that it was time to reform the filibuster because the government cannot function with it intact anymore. Tom Friedman suggested that America's 'political instability' was making people abroad nervous. And Michael Cohen of Newsweek blamed 'obstructionist Republicans,' 'spineless Democrats,' and an 'incoherent public'"...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Why should America change it's political structure to appease the rest of the world... Haha it's just a ploy so liberals can gain COMPLETE control and wipe away all rights we cherish
