Wednesday, February 10, 2010

American Thinker: An Obamageddon Snow Job

As I sat here scanning today's many news stories and as usual, got whiplash....
I saw where "they" announced Cap & Trade dead....then...alive!
I saw there would be no new Stimulus Package, then...there would...but no, it's a Job's Bill....?'s alive!
Then the Health Care's dead, wait....NO!'s alive...!!!!
I feel each day I'm watching news emanate from Dr. Frankenstein's Laboratory!
"It's Alive!!!" He cried....!!! No, not the good doctor, but Obama himself.
Each time we think these are going away, or dead.....they pop up again.
As I watched the "Big Bank Theory" last week - Sheldon, the braniac of the bunch, went off the proverbial deep end trying to deal with an onslaught of esoteric theories ( sound familiar?) and surfed under the ball cage at a Chucky Cheese knock-off.
Every once in a while he'd burst through the colored balls yelling BAZINGA! Then submerge again only to pop up 10 feet down wind once again championing BAZINGA!!! His friend tried to stop him, only to be met with one explosion after another of colored balls and cries of BAZINGA!
That's what it feels like trying to watch the Obama Administration....
As tired as we all are....We MUST stay the course.
We MUST stay on top of this....we can't let THEM Yell BAZINGA! Because when they do, it's because they have won....and that will be a great loss to America!

American Thinker: An Obamageddon Snow Job:

A snow job is defined as in 'intensive effort at persuasion or deception.' Thus, it stands to reason that Barack Obama remained undaunted during the biggest blizzard to hit Washington, D.C. since 1922. The historic snowstorm brought down the nation's capital, culminating a year-long 'snow job' administered by 'historic' President Barack Obama."

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