Friday, August 19, 2011

The swagger and love of country! Rick Perry

I don't know if he's "The One"...but DAMN! Isn't it nice to see love of country expressed without hesitation or regret????

Rick Perry - the swaggering, back-slapping Texan - grew somber as he spoke amid the carnival din.

"Friday, Iowa's going to bury one of your own, one of those young Navy SEALs who was killed in Afghanistan," he said, pausing as his voice cracked.

"I want you to think about T.J. Tumilson and the sacrifices that are still being made today so a guy like me can stand up on a soapbox at the Iowa State Fair and talk freely about freedom and liberty and America and that we are an exceptional country and we're going to stay an exceptional country."

Then, Perry pointed his left index finger skyward, raised his voice and declared: "We don't need anybody apologizing anywhere in this world about America!"

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