Friday, November 11, 2011

California Mayor Will Skip Veterans Day Memorial for Occupy Rally....

This kind of did it for me today. Does this reflect what we've become...on Veteran's Day....everyday?

I've watched OWS vilify our country.
I have watched our Politicians..our "Leaders" to lead time and again.
I've watched our media declare a person's life and career "over" because of a broadcast gaff.
When did we become so lazy?
When did we give up on ourselves?
We were once the greatest Nation on Earth! Created by the Sweat, Blood and sacred Honor of our Founders and all those braves souls that stood with them and fought for their beliefs. And though I'm not a deeply religious person...beliefs and truths handed to us by divine providence...yes, by something much bigger than all of us.
When did we allow a 30 second sound bite to frame our decisions that affect our lives and that of our Grandchildren. When did we allow ourselves to become so vacuous - so lazy.

We can because that soldier.....the one who WWI, Civil War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, WWII, Afghanistan.....need I go on. The One....of many, who gave that last full measure of we could be lazy, selfish...lacking morally, excuse makers....pathetic whiners.
When did we allow this to happen....?
Where we vilify success and ask for our "Fair Share" when we have the best of us dying unwatched in strange lands.
How did we forget who we are?
I thank God today for our military....for without them these days I wonder what we'd look like as a Nation.
Without their SELFLESS DEVOTION to something bigger than they are.
Stop being lazy...we owe it to them.
Stop being selfish and whining for your "fair Share"...go out and get it YOURSELF.
Tell the Government to go to hell. Go back to doing what the Constitution told them was their job. They have after all "Sworn to uphold it".
Learn, Listen, in the Arena of Ideas...not in the Parties....but in the Arena of Ideas...
This is where you'll find America's greatness...this is were you'll find the "Pulling ourselves up by the bootstrap" mentality.
It IS this easy!
However it requires your time, your effort, your consideration. Your Vote.
When did we become to careless as to not vote? Ususally about half of us wo can do.
Think about that lonely soldier never wavering in his belief that it is their sacred honor to protect that Right for YOU.
And yet you'd blow it off to get home for an episode of Survivor.

Look in a mirror.

I think the time has come for all of us to take responsibility. To cast off the sound bites. To tell the Media to start doing their jobs - reporting...not pontificating.
To thank our hold our family close...
To make our country America AGAIN...before it's too late.

The mayor of Richmond, Calif. plans to skip her city’s Veterans Day memorial events to attend an Occupy rally, a choice that’s prompting anger and criticism.

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