Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Wisconsin recall: the worst night on cable news it wasn't.....

What this article fails to point out is that - even IF CNN's ratings are the best "when" there is a political event - they are still gawd-awful in the face of FOX. 
Sean Hannity has NEVER hidden his agenda....I think we're bright enough out here in the wilds of America to figure all this out for ourselves....

Eight minutes later, CNN's Wolf Blitzer interrupted the network's rerun of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee to break the news.

CNN has no obligation to cover the Wisconsin recall, and one could argue that CNN doesn't need to break that political news, or spend the 10 o'clock hour speculating on the potential political ramifications of the various outcomes. But I highly doubt that CNN would make that argument. ( And by the way....what the heck would they have to talk about if not this? Obama's "Accomplishments"...I didn't realize they were a Comedy Channel?!)

Remember: This is the network that won the primaries, and gets its best primetime ratings when there's a political race.

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