Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ryan Plan Would Save Medicare; Obamacare Will Destroy It ....

It's time we started acting like adults...and the grown-ups our Founding Father's handed the care and protection of our Constitution to!
I think most of us want to hear the truth. I believe most of us KNOW the truth.
It's time.....AND...take YOUR time and read what Ryan has to say. Do not listen to the scare tactics and sound bites. Invest some time in your future...your kids, grand-kids.....all of us. Take the time to find out for real...

The Obama campaign has wasted no time trying to scare the elderly with lies that Mitt Romney’s selection of Representative Paul D. Ryan as his running mate signifies Romney’s plan to destroy Medicare. Obama senior campaign advisor David Axelrod claimed on ABC’s “This Week,” for example, that Medicare would be in “a death spiral under this plan.”

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