Thursday, November 01, 2012

'We must rip this fledgling tyranny out before its roots grow strong and indestructible' .....

I have been literally inhaling every bit of history I can devour over the past few years....and the pattern emerging is frightening. 
It's not something that "just happened" with the election of Obama. It's the man behind the curtain that's finding it harder to hide. The Progressive Agenda will end this country as we know it.
I'm sure all of us have our beefs with our government - both Federal and Local. I'm sure we have things that drive us nuts about our Country. But when you look out your door, and know that YOU as a citizen control everything....!
Not Congress - YOU vote them in and out - 
Not the Senate - YOU vote them in and out....
Not the Presidency - Not a Thing YOU as an individual don't control! It's amazing. 
I can get up every morning and write about what I Ol' ME. Nobody can stop me. 
Even those whose vile drivel permeates our lives....they too are protected. Thank god....
God - there's another one they are trying to make go away. Though I am not religious myself....Religion has a deep meaning in our land. It's free expression and devotion must be protected. The seperation of Church and State started in a LETTER. Not the Constitution...a letter from Thomas Jefferson having an intellectual debate. Something we don't do any longer.....
So yes...I DO believe this IS the Election of a lifetime.
Do I think Mitt is the end all - end all? No...
However, I believe he is a man of deep character and faith. Someone who will return respect to the Office and strength to our nation.....a man who truly understand that unleashing the PRIVATE Sector will make that "Sleeping Giant" rise again.
And if he veers off course...Well, we're out here to steer him back...
We are "We the People"....and we must TAKE our country back!
Let's keep the "Mittmenum" going and VOTE!

Our society has come upon a defining moment: We, the American people, have a choice to make regarding the kind of government we desire.

The shape and role of our federal government has been slowly changing over that last few decades and now we have reached a critical juncture. The implications of our decision could last for generations, changing the course of America and possibly wrecking what took our Founding Fathers a lifetime to painstakingly establish – a Republic that secured liberty and esteemed man’s natural rights above all else – something the world had never witnessed.

This decision point is just days away on November 6th, Election Day.

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