Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The American Spectator : Just Say No

The American Spectator : Just Say No:

Amidst economic collapse, Thomas Woods challenged readers in his 2009 book Meltdown, as TAS associate editor W. James Antle, III aptly put it, 'to embrace fairly radical notions about the New Deal, the Federal Reserve and the government's role in the economy.' Now, with a gonzo federal government nudging -- someone send Cass Sunstein a quarter -- ever-increasing numbers of Americans towards a serious apprehension of centralized power, Woods returns with Nullification, a provocative and enlivening new tome spelling out the historical, constitutional, and moral arguments for states simply rejecting unconstitutional laws the federal government attempts to impose. 'I wanted to write a book explaining what nullification is and justifying what it does,' Woods explained to TAS during an interview at the Mises Institute booth shortly before he gave a rousing FreedomFest lecture on the topic, 'and also to create a ready resource for people to combat the inevitable smears from the drones and zombies.'"

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