Wednesday, July 21, 2010

American Thinker: In Defense of W

I think this is one of the best articles I've read about all the Bush Whacking that takes place daily. I didn't always agree with GWB...but the one thing I could always count on was his integrity and his true love and respect for the Office. His spending got me nuts...but it's well put here.....Thank you!

American Thinker: In Defense of W: "Angelo Codevilla has started an important conversation about the American 'ruling class' against the 'country class,' who are also called 'the normal people.' As part of that critique Codevilla groups George W. Bush with Obama as Big Spenders. There is a grain of truth in that, but nowhere enough to convince me that their names should even be spoken in the same breath. True, there isn't much difference between the trick skating couple of McCain-Graham and Harry Reid. That is pretty sad. But let's not confuse them with people of integrity."

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