Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ruling Class vs. the People - HUMAN EVENTS

Even though I'm beginning to think Obama believes he is King, not elected President...I don't care if he takes 100 vacations. It's his problem...but, the hypocrisy...when GWB even "Thought" about a day off - he was just pummeled with invectives. I'm so very tired of this.....

Ruling Class vs. the People - HUMAN EVENTS:

Unemployment is hovering around 9.6%, our national debt is over $13 trillion, one-in-six Americans are receiving some type of government help, and Barack Obama just wrapped his sixth vacation in less than two years as President.

It was a waterfront vacation in Martha’s Vineyard that cost around $50,000 for the rental property alone. (This doesn’t count the cost of staff, of Secret Service protection, or the transport and fuel for the 20-vehicle caravan that traveled with the President all over the island.)"

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