Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Bad Idea - Jim Demint

I flipped when I saw the GOP "proposal" on the Debt Ceiling"? Was everything prior to this a joke? A Play.....a sitcom episode to lull us to sleep so we wouldn't notice they'd CAVED? It needs to be stopped. I don't know about you - but I've given my "Fair Share". I've almost lost our Company to the recession. Even though we lost our shirts last year - we still had to pony up $5000.00 in taxes to the government...yet GE pays nothing on BILLIONS. I've had our house go into foreclosure and hidden from tow trucks when they came to repossess our cars...I think we've done all we can.
I have one word for the GOP Plan - SCREW!

Under the plan, the President would simply notify Congress when he wanted to raise the debt limit and it would automatically go up. In order to stop an automatic increase, Congress would have to pass a resolution of disapproval, which would of course be vetoed by the President. Then, Congress would have override the veto with two-thirds support in the House and Senate.

Given that the President could always count of the support of at least one-third of the members in both houses, this new plan would effectively give the President the power to increase our nation's debt at will."

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