Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weeping four-year-old girl accused of carrying a GUN by TSA officers after she hugged her grandmother while passing through security .......

We terrorize the kids and grandmothers...but heaven forbid we ever profile someone who just MIGHT be trouble....I despise flying now and try to do so less and less....

Of all the many complaints about airport security and the TSA, one of the most common is that they make little distinction between plausible security threats and passengers unlikely to be doing anything wrong.

And a recent incident in Wichita, Kansas has reinforced that argument, as a four-year-old girl was apparently subjected to a humiliating ordeal after she hugged her grandmother while she was waiting in line.

The girl was accused of having a gun and declared a 'high security threat', while agents threatened to shut down the whole airport if she could not be calmed down.

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