Thursday, May 10, 2012

‘On My Behalf’ ....the military fights?......REALLY?

I'm thinkin' Not So Much....
Except, that they do fight for the convictions that are the foundation of that building you inhabit and the tenants you try to destroy daily.....
They fight on "Our" behalf...and I thank God every day for their service. 
I once saw John Kerry give a Chamber speech. I had never in my life heard a man use the word "I" as much as he did that evening....
Why, you'd of thought the world couldn't lurch forward from it's primordial ooze without his help. Then I began listening to Obama.....
He has John Kerry beat hands down...
And by the way.....God created the remote control to change the channels for all those "Exclusive" and "First" interviews The Chosen One grants his sycophants almost daily....
How can we miss you when you won't go away?!

But Mr. Obama actually did bare his soul unintentionally today (perhaps the Biden disease is catching) with his astonishing characterization of American fighting men and women, whom he referred to as “those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf.” Really?

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