Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We Didn't Leave AARP...AARP Left Us....

As a kid growing up...I always felt my Dad was a pretty wise man. 
A great History buff who turned his passion for America onto his children....

There are two seminol moments I remember with him...
One during the Vietnam War when out of the blue one evening he slammed down that day's newspaper - looked at my then 16 year old Brother and said "If this war goes on til' you are old enough...I'll drive you to Canada.".
Coming from a man who just bled red, white and blue ...it shook the house to it's foundation. 
That was the day I began to question everything....
 Then he got older.....
The second was more telling, and I thought of it when I heard the AARP audience booed Paul Ryan.
About 12 years ago, We were having a lively discussion in my Office regarding the national budget and social security.
I looked at my Dad and said it they don't get spending under control now, it wont exist by the time I get there...

He said "I don't care, as long as it exists now..."
I have never forgotten that....

I love my Dad to death and miss him like crazy.
But the comment seared into my memory forever...and it taught me a great lesson...
Question everything and everybody....and NEVER join AARP....Join AMAC!

The report of the AARP convention booing Paul Ryan the other day made me just shake my head and smile wryly. These are the kind of fools who'd boo the man trying to save their bacon while they remain content to blindly follow a leftist leadership that has sold its organizational soul to liberal orthodoxy.

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