Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Matthews Likens Paul Ryan's Pro-Life Views to Sharia Law ....

I am conservative.....
I am a registered Republican....
I am also very Pro-Life....
AND...above all - very Pro Choice.
How can I reconcile? 
It's my body, it's my choice. However, it is not a choice I take lightly.
I have seen many folks treat abortion as a form of birth control...and that sickens me...
However, if one can see fit to need it in one's life...than so be it. It's between them and their god.
I will always fight to keep Roe vrs. Wade alive and kicking...
For me, my friends and for my granddaughters....
No politician is going to rule that aspect of our get the HELL out of our bedrooms!
Sharia Law....?!.....REALLY?
Chris needs to go to a home for a while....
I thought Paul was eloquent as to his feelings on this issue. If you listened...they were between his family and their god.
I may not always agree, however I respect someone willing to stand by their convictions - on either side.

A little over a half-hour before the debate, Matthews went on a tirade against the pro-life movement. His fury mostly centered on Rep. Paul Ryan, whose pro-life views, according to Matthews are akin to Sharia law that is practiced and advocated by radical Islamists. He also sounded the alarms that the Republican ticket may want to “operate [the United States] under a religious theory.” After exposing the theocratic conspiracy of the Republicans and the Sharia enemies within – Matthews came off as utterly unhinged.

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