Thursday, October 18, 2012

OK...this is all you have...?!..
Oh also have Big Bird.....

How STUPID do you think we are? 
As a woman business owner I'm not just insulted that you would think we are so vacuous we can only react to this drivel...
I am BEYOND furious and will make sure EVERY woman I know understands just how condescending you are!
Birth Control? Sandra Fluke, Common Girl! Get out of school and get a job..!!!..even when I was in college and totally broke, I found my own way. 
It was my lifestyle choice and I wasn't about to ask anyone else to foot my bill!
The arrogant condescension......
Our worries are the economy, how do we feed our families with food prices rising almost daily and paychecks shrinking every minute?
How do we GET to our jobs and schools with fuel twice as expensive as it was under Bush....and it wasn't an economic collapse that kept it was economic policy - something you guys wouldn't know if it bit you in the.......well, you can guess....
We worry that our pensions, our homes, our investments that are tanking almost much value lost since you arrived to "heal the world" or whatever it was you promised...
We worry about the Government "take-over" of student loans. It's already expensive enough, we can't imagine it going down and running more efficiently when it's all taxpayer money.... 
We worry about our Educational System as a whole....teaching Muslim Hand Gestures? What happened to the Three R's...?...and we DON'T mean Recycle, Reduce and Reuse!
We worry about our kids and grand-kids and their future. We LOVE this country unlike you guys. We want for them everything we had within our reach growing up.
How do we plan for the future when everyone is at a stand still because of your gawd awful business interference, not job creation.
By the way, we are also smart enough to know YOU don't create jobs....WE do...and yes...WE DID BUILD THIS!
We are not all vapid "Soccer Moms" nor "barefoot and pregnant!"
So STOP.....No more Big Bird....No more STUPID "Binders".....
Stop taking us for granted....because there are alot of us NOT voting for you!

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