Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Airport "Security"? - Thomas Sowell - Townhall Conservative

This man is "BRILLIANT!!!" - as Harry Potter would say! I GET IT about security. However, we are giving up our liberties - with no apparent benefit...one by one by one. We don't notice - we don't see the "creep"....
We will when they are ALL gone - won't we?
This to me is what the TSA hammer down is about. More Government control.....bit by bit by bit! Because, after all, we are just too stupid to notice.

No country has better airport security than Israel-- and no country needs it more, since Israel is the most hated target of Islamic extremist terrorists. Yet, somehow, Israeli airport security people don't have to strip passengers naked electronically or have strangers feeling their private parts.

Does anyone seriously believe that we have better airport security than Israel? Is our security record better than theirs?"

1 comment:

  1. I've been saying this since 9/11. Just use the measures that Israel has and things will be better (not like it used to be, but...)
