Thursday, December 30, 2010

Profs' Website Urges Rich to 'Give Back' Tax Cuts - ABC News

I'd LOVE to know what they make!? And WHY "give back" what's rightfully YOURS. Most people do not consider the fact that many a successful business person went year after year WITHOUT pay etc. - taking the financial hit and risk HOPING one day it would pay off. What a JOKE. Give money back to an Administration what is sending who knows how much of our taxpayer "Stimulus" money to OTHER countries. Give back to have it squandered?

Upset the federal government recently extended tax cuts for the rich, three professors at Yale and Cornell universities have created a website that encourages wealthy Americans to give their tax savings to charities and send a political message in the process.

The professors started to allow Americans 'who have the means' to calculate what their tax cut would be and donate that amount to a charity."

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