Thursday, July 21, 2011

The 70-Million-Check Constituency - That's our money funding them!

The actual figure is more like 72 Million.....
And I run a small anywhere from 50 to 80 hours a week - haven't taken a paycheck weekly in YEARS, and get told to pay MY fair share.
Yet, they wonder where the Tea Party came from.....DUH!

I have bad news for conservatives who think Obama is leading the nation down the path to socialism: the barn door is open and the cows are long gone. Obama is not leading the nation to socialism; we are a socialist nation and have been for some time. Conservatives who think Obama is a Marxist and an anti-capitalist radical are surely correct, but what is also surely correct is that he represents an actual constituency of tens of millions who care about nothing other than the fact that the government check is in the mail. This is a serious problem for conservative Republicans and Tea Partiers seeking to cut the federal budget and restore fiscal sanity."

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