Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mini Solyndra: Truck Stop that Received $424,000 in Stimulus Fund Grant Goes Broke...

OK...I have just about had it.
If this type of loan had gone on during the Bush Administration, it would be banner headlines above the fold EVERY day until "someone paid" with their career. The drum beat would be deafening. Yet, this and MANY others are on page 20 below the fold....
Mainstream Reporting...? can hear crickets chirping.
The out right incompetence of people making these decisions is astounding. As a small businessperson...I'm awed daily by the influence of the stimulus money slush fund. You can't convince me it's anything but.
This isn't about Obama...this is about his Administrations inability to run this country.
Oh, I take that back...they can run this country. Right off a cliff.

The company qualified for the taxpayer-funded stimulus grant even after it had filed for bankruptcy. Yes, bankruptcy.

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