Thursday, July 19, 2012

Australia's Green Ideological Disaster...

Beside the fact that any "Emmissions Tax" is nothing more than a power and money grab...doesn't if occur to these idiots ( sorry! -truth hurts ) that the average citizen and average business is watching EVERY penny they spend. This includes gas - fuel - heating....etc...etc......
Thus economizing and conserving!
This stuff isn't's a business bottom line and in many cases...a family's! 
How STUPID do you think we are?

It's taken Gillard two years to implement the controversial tax, during which time she has been irreverently referred to as "Ju-liar." Thoughts of staying in power have no doubt helped her withstand such criticism, along with the support of a sympathetic Obama. During his visit here in November last year, he expressed his support for the tax, saying, "I think that's good for the world ... I actually think, over the long term, it's good for our economies, as well, because it's my strong belief that industries, utilities, individual consumers -- we're all going to have to adapt how we use energy and how we think about carbon."

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