Thursday, April 08, 2010

American Thinker: H1N1 and Health Care Reform

American Thinker: H1N1 and Health Care Reform:

The government that mismanaged the H1N1 vaccine is stepping up to do an even worse job on ObamaCare. As a general pediatrician and medical practice owner, I have been surprised at our inability as a society to apply the lessons of the recent past to our current health care debate. Those who know me will recall that I was especially aggravated over the H1N1 debacle of late last year."

1 comment:

  1. First of all, we never mismanaged the H1N1 vaccine. It was a resounding success:

    Also, I don't get all this talk about national healthcare taking away our freedoms. The only freedoms that get taken away are the freedoms of insurance companies to charge exorbitant fees on patented drugs, the freedom to cartel to manipulate insurance markets, and the freedom to suddenly increase premiums without just cause.

    We pay taxes, don't we? National health insurance is just a way to mandate that our pooled dollars go towards something that will directly benefit our own citizens. There are plenty of reasons to disagree with the new healthcare bill. Loss of freedom is definitely not one of them:
