Wednesday, August 04, 2010

American Thinker: Europe's Lynch Mob Mentality

American Thinker: Europe's Lynch Mob Mentality:

But now we see it from other celebrities, and anti-American hatred is spilling over into bad old-fashioned anti-Semitism -- and privately, surely into anti-black racism, anti-woman rants, the whole lot. That is why Obama can talk about blacks as 'mongrels' on television and why gangsta rappers thrive on the n-word -- given their tiny vocabularies, most don't have much choice. It's why Oliver Stone can say vile things about Jews in public, and even why fellow Hollywood sociopath Mel Gibson does that, too, to a cop. Whoopi Goldberg can rationalize child rape, and even Meryl Streep, who seemed at one time to be the modern Kathryn Hepburn, is now merrily descending into the gutter. It is simply amazing."

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