Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Birthright citizenship – to hell with the Constitution! | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I understand what he is saying - however these aren't Guest Workers like those he sites within the article...they are ILLEGAL immigrants.
Again I state the process to become a citizen is a wreck and above ALL should be addresses and fixed ASAP....however....
These kids are not without country. They are born to citizens of another country. They are then citizens of THAT country.

I ask why is it that the word Illegal only pertains to citizens of this country? WHY?
We'd ( citizens ) pay dearly for flouting the law like this...but not those coming across our border illegally.
They don't have to prove who they are, and yet I have to pull out my license about 5 times a day. And I'm fine with that. BUT I WAS BORN HERE and I have to do this......the hypocrisy and double standards are insane.

Birthright citizenship – to hell with the Constitution! | The Daily Caller :

So now we have a second Republican Senator calling for the “revoking” of birthright citizenship in the U.S.– in other words another GOP luminary who wants to copy progressive places such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, countries that deny citizenship — and even birth certificates — to tens of thousands of children born to foreign workers, rendering them stateless and vulnerable and at risk of a life of official non-existence.

That was the policy Germany followed until 1999, when German law was modified finally to recognize the principle of jus soli (“the right of soil”), replacing the blood connection principle that German citizenship required previously."

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