Monday, September 19, 2011

Exposing Liberal Media Bias...Sarah Palin bears "responsibility" for the venom tossed her way every day...?

She "Starred in a "Reality TV Show"......OMG....!!!
A show that exposed how wonderful this Country is....not about eating crunchy bugs....
Showed the world how beautiful Alaska is....not climbing a toothpick up Mt. Everest while arguing with my "Partner, spouse" whatever.....
Showed how lovely a normal family really is....not the Jersey Shore....

When you are a public do lend yourself for a "certain amount" of public discourse. What has happened to Sarah beyond disgraceful. She does not bear responsibility for the way we have treated her. She does not.

Wrong. Tabloidish books about Barack Obama have generally not been featured like McGinniss. But Steve Roberts, a former Washington bureau chief of The New York Times and husband of TV journalist Cokie Roberts, actually argued on CNN that Palin somehow "bears some guilt here" for these tabloid tales, since she's become a celebrity and starred in a reality TV show:

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