Thursday, September 06, 2012

Runaway slaves and the rise of the black conservative ......

I will NEVER understand the blind loyalty the minorities seem to have for the democratic party. I certainly don't think these folks are stupid.....however this blind devotion mystifies me....Per the facts:

"Consider that almost a half-century ago, President Johnson thought he could eradicate American poverty by declaring a war on it. Despite the effort, the poor stubbornly remain with us. The poverty rate is at 15.1% and climbing, says the Cato Institute's Michael Tanner, while in 1964, when the war started, it was "around 19% and falling rapidly."
Since Johnson's initiative, Tanner says Washington has "spent roughly $12 trillion fighting poverty, and state and local governments added another $3 trillion," a total that is close to the size of today's domestic economy. "Yet the poverty rate never fell below 10.5%," says Tanner, "and is now at the highest level in nearly a decade."

They say Hope is a stronger and a more dangerous emotion than fear....yet the Democrats spend their lives tossing fear at every issue and in turn...destroying any hope for those they profess to want to help.

I think in reality THEY fear hope more than most....because to give one to begin the upward pendulum....and perhaps open the eyes of their currently blind voters.....

It’s been a week since MSNBC cleansed its broadcast of the Republican National Convention. If you happened to watch the RNC on Chris Matthews’ network last Tuesday, you missed the speeches of Senate candidate Ted Cruz, former Congressman Artur Davis, Puerto Rico first lady Luce Vela Fortuno, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval and congressional candidate Mia Love. Why were these intelligent, accomplished Republican leaders scrubbed from the broadcast?

Because they aren’t white.

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